New Beginning 4 You

Plan B: Strengthen and Achieve (6months)

For those of you who are sure about their desires but need to do further research in terms of the processes required or if you are unsure about the impact that these desires will have on your daily lives , we recommend starting with Plan B: Strengthen and Achieve.


1. Regular scheduled meetings with our experts; to execute our “5 Steps Approach” (Check out in About Us to learn more about our 5 steps approach)

2. A Boutique Plan crafted for you

3. Sessions to care for your Body, Mind & Environment

4. Trial value-addition classes

5. Daily Positive Affirmations on WhatsApp

6. Access to our community and resources to learn, grow, give & receive

7. Online meetings for check-in on health and plan execution

8. A plant with health benefits + Tutorial on plant care


With your package, please add


  • Value-Addition classes (billed separately)
  • Purchase & install PC / Laptop set up, with option of big screen (Please send email if this is needed from us, will be billed separately). We recommend Treasures to have a set up of PC/ Laptop/ Tablet with screens bigger than a smart phone for our interactions. You do not have to purchase this from us.