Value addition classes for your Body, Mind and Environment

Each class package consists of 5 sessions (Session length – 30-45 mins, 1 class / week)


1. Self-Care
  • Yoga
  • Everyday exercises
  • Mind & Memory exercises and games
  • Guided Meditation
2. Making the day easier
    • Q&A for your daily life technological concerns
3. Book Club (discussion platform)
    • Vedanta, Shastra Arth
    • Geeta, Ramayana
    • Fiction / Non-Fiction Reads
4. Plant & Nature Care
  • Class on potting and plant care, including herbs and plants with health benefits
  • Class on use and health benefits of your plant
5.Prepare for your next big Travel, be it for Leisure or Pilgrimage
  • Prepare your body
  • Expand your mind
  • Other logistics and preparations
6. Intro to write and publish your own book
  • Choosing the topic, title, and cover
  • Writing your book
  • Publishing options